Monday, June 4, 2018

Deadpool 2

Deadpool returns in this sequel about lost love and the boy who lived...wait that sounds familiar... This sequel follows Wade Wilson (Deadpool/Ryan Reynolds) as he bands together a group of mutants and tries to protect a mutant boy from the cyborg Cable (Josh Brolin). Reviewers from the Hollywood Reporter and Screen Rant are raving that this film is better than the first, but is it really?

Deadpool 2 took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions. I was happy and excited, then shocked and sad, then laughing out loud at the sly comments, then sad again. It was like every well-written speech should be. Funny to get you hooked, then they throw real life in your face like yeah take that, feel the sadness, to then finish with the happy yet again. The script was phenomenal and Ryan Reynolds is hilarious, but was it better than the first? I don't think so. I was super hyped up to see this movie after seeing and hearing all the reviews, and don't get me wrong, it is a fantastic Marvel film, but it doesn't beat the first for me.

I read Screen Rant's 2 Reasons Why... the sequel is better than the first. While I can agree with them that the second film is basically free range for Deadpool since the first movie set the backdrop, I do not agree that the jokes were better or that including the X-men into this film makes the huge difference. Honestly, I could do without another X-men movie. I tired of them a long time ago, and thankfully they only play a small role in this film. Thankfully, this is not an X-men film, it is very much Deadpool with his smart-mouth comments, and dark jokes that get a smile from everyone. But, ask me how many times I laughed out loud. Maybe twice? Yes, I giggled and tee-heed throughout, but there was no gut-wrenching laugh that made me think, "Man this movie was so freaking good I have to see it again right this second!" If it didn't make me feel that, then I have to say the first movie was better. One exciting part was the mysterious monster behind closed doors. My guy friends all guessed who it was and were sooooo happy. I was just like uhhh right...Juggernaut...never heard of him. He was pretty cool, but Domino was my girl for sure. Loved her.

If you liked Deadpool in the original, you will enjoy this sequel. I mean, come on, it's Ryan Reynolds. Enough said. But, I guess I should return to my original statement in this blog. Lost love is a huge part of this sequel. I will not say much more than that because I don't want to give it away, but maybe you've already heard or have guessed. Or maybe you'll get the same shock I got in the first 15 minutes of the movie. Either way, this is just another movie about Deadpool's damsel in distress. It's a different kind of distress sure, but it rocks Deadpool more than we've ever seen before. As for the boy who lived....well he lived, thanks to Deadpool stopping the cops and working with Cable to save him.

The one part of the film I could have done without came at the end. Deadpool goes through this series of "seeing the other side" at different parts of the film. Most of them are very fast, but the one at the end is longer, and drawn out and frankly I was bored. After seeing Avengers: Infinity Wars, I'm pretty sure Marvel can't kill anymore super heroes. It's just not nice. So, sitting there watching Deadpool in this dead but not dead state was like alright, OK, move on.

There are a couple of end credit scenes for Deadpool 2 so make sure to stay for all of them. The last one contains Wolverine and is probably the best cameo ever. Don't miss it!

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