Sunday, June 10, 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story

Solo is the newest character development movie from Star Wars. We follow Han Solo from where he began, in the dark world of Coreilla under the control of Lady Proxima, up to his involvement in starting the Rebellion. This film is full of well-known actors: Emilia Clarke (Qi'ra), Woody Harrelson (Beckett), Childish Gambino (Lando Calrissian), etc. Notice how none of them played Han.....

Let me begin this review by saying that I am not a huge Star Wars fan. I probably just lost about half of my readers with that statement, but let me explain. I have seen every single film, I know all the main characters and I sort of know who is related to who and who slept with who. I got all that. I'm just not a fan of any movies that involve battles in space and lands with weird names that no human in their right mind should know how to spell. This includes Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica or any other space movie. (I'm sorry, please don't hate me.) For those that are still with me, I did enjoy Rogue One and the concept of a character development movie. Solo, however, was simply alright. I wasn't drawn in and invested as much as I have been for previous movies. I have been loving the newest trilogy and Rogue One was fantastic. Solo was like this huge build-up of anticipation, and then everyone left like meh ok.

Part of the reason I could not get into this movie is because of all the big name actors. Literally every main character was a big name, except for Han. Fail, Disney. I'm sorry, but I cannot look at Emilia Clarke and see her as anyone other than the Mother of Dragons. I have more anticipation waiting for the final part of the Game of Thrones than I did for Solo. Then to also add in Woody Harrelson, come on! Every time I see him I think Haymitch how you doing buddy?! Alden Ehrenreich did a great job as Han, but I honestly couldn't focus on him. He was a nobody in a land of celebrities, and I didn't feel like I was learning anything about Han that I didn't already know.

There is probably going to be a second Solo film. We were left with a cliffhanger ending: where is Qi'ra going, what's Han going to do about it, who is Rey's mother?! Really I think that last question is the only thing anyone cares about in the Star Wars realm right now, and if you read all the gossip people are talking about now, Qi'ra is hypothesized to be Rey's mother. This may be true, this may just be what Disney wants you to believe. In my opinion, I don't know, but I have a good feeling that Darth Maul isn't the father. Genetics tells me that can't be possible since Rey doesn't have horns, or a red face, or really any resemblance to Maul, but hey who am I to question genetics? You can read the theories here.

Solo has a IMDb rating of 7.2 and a Rotten Tomatoes score of 65%, but when you read what people are saying the numbers don't add up to the reviews. Most people aren't overly satisfied and don't really care for more Solo. They just want the trilogy to end and for everything to make sense. I sadly feel like it may be a bit longer before this happens. I hope everyone can keep calm and carry on until then.

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