Thursday, June 21, 2018

Incredibles 2

After 14 years, the Incredibles 2 movie has finally been released. In this sequel, we watch as Mr. Incredible (Bob Parr, voiced by Craig T. Nelson) goes from amazing superhero to stay-at-home dad, and Elastigirl (Helen Parr, voiced by Holly Hunter) takes the role of money-maker. This is the film that Incredibles lovers have been waiting for, but was it worth the wait?

Was I one of the people that was waiting impatiently for 14 years for this film? No, I was not. I did enjoy the first film, but I was not sitting around waiting to find out what Jack-Jack's powers are. It was a good movie and I enjoyed it a lot when I was 12 years old, but now that I'm 26, the idea of a sequel was like, "!" That being said, viewers of this sequel either love it or hate it. I loved it, but I can see why people dislike it.

The action scenes in this movie are fantastic! The animation is spot on and beautifully done. You can tell that a lot of time was spent on perfecting each scene, and this film does not disappoint on the action. From start to finish, the balance of action to at-home scenes was perfectly executed. Elastigirl is a great superhero with some amazing skill at problem solving, and with a new super-suit she was looking pretty good. I bet all the guys that see this movie are thinking "man, she got some curves in that suit"...see for yourself:

For me, the best parts centered around Jack-Jack. A lot of the comedy in this film was sub-Parr (see what I did there?), but the Jack-Jack comedy was great.  I caught myself laughing out loud multiple times when it came to Jack-Jack and Mr. Incredible trying to figure out how to be a good stay-at-home dad. A lot of this movie is about that aspect. Being a stay-at-home dad is not easy, and I found it extremely enjoyable watching a big, tough man learn what it's like on the other side. This is, however, where a lot of people are upset by the film. They felt like this was unneeded and that it added nothing to the Incredibles story. They feel like the themes from the first film were not continued in this sequel. One reviewer on IMDb states:

              None of the conflict of the original film is present. The themes of family and the struggles that come with being that are so surface level it borders on the cliche in some respects. Helen is given NOTHING to be her own character in this, and instead is given action scenes to play-out and a sub-plot that only serves to remind me how much better the first film was. Rather than giving us a great and in-depth character plot for Helen, we get something so weak and honestly regressive for how hard this film brandishes itself to be a feminist advocate that I would dare say it's offensive how shallow Helen's character arc and story comes off in this.
              Bob's story arc doesn't fare much better. The concept of flipping the script and giving him the family to run and learning how to be a proper father on his own is an interesting way to parallel the first film and the story it gave him...but instead, we are only given small glimpses at the depth this story can provide."
This reviewer gave the movie a 4/10. In a way, I can see what they are saying, but I also think they looked too far into this. As I already stated, the balance of family to superhero-ism was well-balanced in my opinion. I enjoyed the action scenes with Elastigirl and I never once thought there was some hidden feminist agenda. That is never even brought up in the film so I'm confused as to where this reviewer came up with that. Elastigirl is chosen to be the face of superheroes because of the cost-potential. She costs the city less in damages when she solves problems, than Mr. Incredible ever has. I guess I can see how this may seem like a hidden agenda, but I never thought that before I read this review on IMDb.  
My only problem with the film was that it was predictable. From the moment that the bad guy was introduced, I was like hmm yep, gotta be that person. I'm not sure if the "acting" was meant to be so obvious or if I just found it to be that way, but I knew from very early on where this was going to end. This does not mean that it took anything away from the story. I was still interested in watching it all unfold. I would in no way rate this movie a 4/10. The overall rating of 8.4/10 is much more believable. I apologize to all the adults that have been waiting for so long for this movie only to be let down, but I feel like you had much too high expectations for a children's movie.

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