Monday, May 14, 2018

Avengers: Infinity Wars

Avengers: Infinity Wars is the movie that all Marvel films have been leading up to, and the film that all Marvel fans were left in shock after seeing. The Avengers team up once again against Thanos who is on his mission of collecting all six Infinity Stones. The movie begins with him having one stone already in his possession, and then we follow him as he collects all the others, one by one.

I know what you're thinking. OMG Hayley, we've been waiting for this review. The movie has been out for weeks! All I can say is, I'm sorry, but if you people would have let me get a movie ticket before they were all sold out, you wouldn't have had to wait! MoviePass doesn't let me buy early remember?! But anyway, let's continue with the important information here...I absolutely loved this movie. I do not profess to be a huge comic book nerd, or a huge Marvel follower, but I know enough and I've seen enough Marvel films to follow the story line. I know we've seen Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy previously and that he collected his first stone from Zandar right before we see the Guardians for the first time. Ever since then we have been waiting for him to continue on his mission, and we were not let down by his path to destruction.

Now, I do not want to give too much away in case there are readers who have not yet seen the movie, but I will say that there will be a sequel to Infinity Wars. The sequel is set to be released next year. The reason for this is quite clear if you've seen the film. Basically, Thanos is not dead, some Avengers are, and the remaining Avengers need to stop him. There are some clues as to how he will be stopped, but if this film has shown us anything it's that Marvel has a few tricks up their sleeves.

This movie is big on battles, and small on plot construction, but this didn't bother me. All previous Marvel films have given us the plot we needed, and now it came down to stopping the threat. We jump around from group to group a few times: Iron Man is with Dr. Strange and Spidey, Thor is with Rocket and Groot,  Captain America is with Black Panther and Vision, etc. There's a lot of super heroes in this and I won't name them all. Each group faces their own challenges here and I felt like Marvel did a great job of jumping from one to another. In this 2 hour and 40 minute movie, I never once felt like it was boring or dragging. I was entranced with the battles and hoping against all hope that the Avengers would come out on top, as all super hero movies normally do. Marvel took me on a thrill ride, and left me in stunned amazement.

Avengers: Infinity Wars has an 8.9/10 on iMDB and a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes for an audience score, and I have to agree with those ratings. I would see this movie again and again even though I was slightly heartbroken in the end. I know that Marvel will make it up to me though...or they'll get a nasty email about how they've ruined my young life!

There is a cut scene at the very end of the credits and I had to have a friend explain it to me (thank you kind soul, you know who you are). We see Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), who is the person responsible for creating the Avengers in the beginning, and he sends out an SOS to someone we have never met before. To me, the SOS to this shape below, wasn't helpful:

Apparently, this is the symbol for Captain Marvel. I kid you not...Marvel studios has a Captain Marvel...and it's a woman. So let's just say a woman will save the we always do...muah. You're welcome.

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