Sunday, April 22, 2018

Super Troopers 2

The Super Troopers are brought back to the force with the intention of settling a border dispute between Canada and the USA. The dispute gets put on hole when the troopers discover hidden contraband that is trying to be discreetly smuggled into the USA territory.

I have never seen the first Super Troopers movie, but a lot of my friends had so they wanted my opinion on this one. Since I have not seen the first, I did not get any of the references to it. Also, I'm not really interested in stupid humor movies. I don't find them funny in most cases. In Super Troopers 2, I did laugh at some of the jokes, but I did not full out laugh or laugh until I cried. I didn't notice anyone in the theater laughing that hard either. It was ok, but I have seen much funnier movies.

I also found this one hard to understand at times. The troopers think it's very funny to impersonate the Canadian accent, and sometimes this was true, but other times not so much. I found it hard to understand what they were saying and because of this I didn't get the joke. Others in the theater got it, but not me. 

This movie is getting very good reviews. It has a 7.3/10 on IMDb in fact. I think that the score is so high simply because people love the original film. It's like a reunion between the watchers and the troopers, and I didn't get the invite. Maybe I just need to watch the original movie, but I don't really want to and I don't really think I'll enjoy it. Basically, if you loved the first, you'll love this one. If you didn't see the first, you'll be like it was alright, but I don't need to watch it again. 

Watch at your own risk I suppose...

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