Sunday, April 1, 2018


Acrimony is about a once loyal wife, that upon divorcing her husband, is enraged by the life he has made her live and his past deceit. She decides to take the law into her own hands, and harasses her ex-husband and his new fiance.

Unless you really feel the need to see this movie, I'd stay away. It seemed to start out good. We see Melinda (Taraji P. Henson) receiving the court decision that she get help from a psychologist. The psychologist then asks her to give us the whole story. Melinda begins the story back when she met Robert in college, and Henson narrates it. I liked how they got us into the story, but I did not like how it continued after that. For the entire movie, Taraji Henson is the narrator. She comes in every so often to move us forward in the story. I didn't go to this movie expecting a documentary-type story, where a narrator has to keep us informed, but that's what I got.

Before I went to see this movie, I thought I might be able to relate to this woman. It seemed like she was cheated on or that she was married to a horrible man and that's why she was so angry. I'd be pretty angry too! This is not the case. Sure, he's not the greatest man. He refuses to get a real job for 18 years and he's dedicating his life to an idea about a battery that recharges itself. He wants nothing more than to sell this battery idea to a big company, and doesn't care that Melinda has to pay all the bills. But, she's the fool that believed he would change. She's the one that stands by him and blows all her money on him when everyone told her not to, even after he cheated on her. Then, she's the one that decides enough is enough and divorces him. It's not his fault that his battery finally sells after their divorce. It's hers for not believing in him when she needed to the most.

Her anger verges on psychopathic. In fact, the psychologist asks her if she's ever heard of dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities). Her brutality when she feels she's been wronged is unbelievable, and she can't just let it go. She has to act on it, which leads to the ending of the movie, where she takes actions into her own hands, and it doesn't end well. Also, the ending was super lame. Instead of there being any conversation, there was loud music over it all and we just watched it unfold. Then, to top it all off, they didn't even use a stunt double, or if they did the stunt double should never act again. I'm almost positive that Melinda's "double" was a dummy. For reals? A dummy....did we have a small budget? You must have because I noticed every green screen you dropped in this film. Nice try though.

So yeah, please don't waste your time here unless you need to. It's a waste of 2 hours of your time, and it feels never ending. Don't do it.

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