Sunday, April 8, 2018

Ready Player One

Ready Player One is about a world where everyone lives to play the virtual reality game called OASIS. When the creator of OASIS dies, however, he leaves a hidden Easter egg, and three keys that are needed to find the egg. He challenges everyone to find this Easter egg, and once they do, they will be given his OASIS fortune and complete control of the future of the company.

Steven Spielberg has done it again. I wasn't sure what this movie was all about since I never read the book, but I was pleasantly surprised. The movie kept my attention throughout the entire 2 hours and 20 minutes. I was trying to figure out the clues along with Parzival (Tye Sheridan), and I was rooting for him the whole time. There was a great mix of real life along with the virtual reality world. We got to see both worlds and how Parzival/Wade (his name in real life) learned how to live outside the game. So often these days we see people engulfed in video games to the point that they forget how to live. In this future reality, that's exactly how it was. Everyone was a gamer and no one wanted to live in the real world, and because of this the real world is a dark, wasteland of what it once was. Wade figures out that gaming isn't everything, and yes, love is what brings him back to the real world.

This film is getting great reviews and I have to agree with them. I enjoyed the majority of the movie. I only got tired of it when it started getting all cheesy in the last 10 minutes. That's when I started to think OK let's end this, and luckily I didn't have to wait long. Other than that, it was great. The animation was awesome, the story was awesome, and I now want to read the book. I'm especially glad that there was a hidden meaning to the whole plot, and I hope that other people see it too. It would be nice if we all could turn off our video games once in awhile and come back to the real world. There's a lot of stuff going on outside of our TV screens and our Playstation's and Xbox's. Sometimes it feels like people forget that, and I really hope that we don't end up like the world depicted in Ready Player One.

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