Monday, September 17, 2018


When a 16-year old girl goes missing, her father is left alone to discover what happened. Did she run away, is she dying in a field somewhere, did he know his daughter at all? He breaks into her computer to discover where she may have gone, and learns that he may not have known the real Margot after all.

Why are you reading this blog right now? If you have not yet seen Searching (and I know it's been out for weeks now), then you need to leave your phone or your computer and go to the movies right now! This movie was phenomenal. 10/10 I would see it again one thousand times and it would never get old. The work that went into making this film is amazing and so unbelievably well done that I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I had chills for most of the movie, nearly cried three times, and ended up staring at the credits with OMG circling around my head. Critics across the board are raving for this movie, and you have to see it to believe it.

At first, I wasn't sure how this movie was going to be. Instead of actors and a video camera, as all movies are, this one is all through social media. So we watch it through FaceTime, Facebook, or YouTube, etc. There were even apps that I had never heard of before, but the way that they are all brought together is amazing. It took over two years to put everything into order, but the actors did all their parts in less than two weeks. Also, because we are seeing it all unfold through social media, it adds to the suspense. You aren't right there as it's happening. You have to wait, and then they drop the bomb on you and you don't know what's going to come next. I sat frozen in the theater with nothing other than oh my God going around and around in my head, and it continued as I drove myself home afterwards.

I absolutely loved how real this movie is, and how it portrays our society today. How when something bad happens everyone jumps in to give their two cents even if it's all a lie. Yes, she was my best friend! Even though a week ago I told her father I don't really know her. Why do we do that? It happens all the time, and I am so glad this movie included it. It just made the whole thing more real to me. I have grown up with social media and I know how it changes people to fit into their social norms. It's easy to pretend you're something you're not when a trauma happens because the person who could call you out for it isn't there.

From the acting to the cinematography, this is not one to miss. IMDb gives it a 7.9/10 and Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 90%. I give it a 10/10, and it WILL be a part of my movie collection someday. I will also watch my future children like a hawk when it comes to social media and their friends. I will never question whether I know who my kids really are, and I will know each and every one of their friends.

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