Monday, March 25, 2019

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel probably doesn't need much of an introduction. We've been wondering who this superhero really is ever since the last Avengers movie was released. Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) is one of the most powerful superheroes we've ever seen, and this solo film is our introduction to her story. She is Earth's only hope for survival when a galactic war breaks out between two alien races.

Before I get into the review, I feel I should apologize. I saw this movie the day it came out and I've been slacking on the reviews. I've been busy! I actually forgot to write a review for this movie, but I blame that on the lack of excitement after seeing it. That's not to say that this was a bad movie. I liked it, but I wasn't in love with it. It was just OK, and I think that is in part to blame because no one really cares about Captain Marvel. We all are waiting for the next Avengers. We want that crazy, explosive movie that will clear up all our questions! Instead, Marvel decided to make us wait with a less than explosive background film.

I enjoyed learning about Captain Marvel's story and seeing how she fits into the Marvel world. We see how she initially came to meet Fury (Samuel Jackson) and how he knew to call her when the world needs her. We learn about her past and how she could really be the answer the Avengers were looking for. My only complaint about the movie is that it has a lot of talking, and not a lot of action. This two hour long movie probably only has 30 - 45 minutes of action. I was hoping for a lot more.

That's about all I have to say about this one...IMDb critics give this a 7.2/10 and Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 62%. I'm actually surprised that IMDb has such a high score because when you read the reviews the majority of them are very negative. My main question, and this is for Marvel in general, is why did all the original Avengers survive the last movie, and how did Captain Marvel survive when she isn't an original? If it was supposed to be a 50/50 split of the universe, how then did every single original Avenger survive, while the new additions didn't? Is Captain Marvel supposed to be an original even though we never saw her before? I guess, in terms of timeline, she was there before the newer additions? All questions to be answered with the next Marvel film...

1 comment:

  1. She is THE original avenger !!! The one that Fury got his inspiration from to name it the Avenger initiative.
    She also said she was going back to her home planet to fix everything.
