Thursday, March 22, 2018

Tomb Raider

The newest Tomb Raider to hit the theaters gives a new twist on the Lara Croft we've always known. This Lara is extremely independent; refusing to live in the Croft Mansion or to collect her inheritance. She is determined to find her father, and she will stop at no cost, without using the Croft money to do it.

Overall, this new Tomb Raider was entertaining. I was never an Angelina Jolie fan especially as Lara Croft, but I really enjoyed Alicia Vikander as Lara. That could have to do with this new version of Lara that was portrayed. She is not the rich girl that is trained to fight to the death and solves clues like they're nothing. This Lara was strong of spirit more than anything else. She is a boxer, but she is not the best boxer at the gym. Everything that she knows she has learned from dedicated practice and by using her own money that she made by delivering food. This Lara is more human than Jolie's Lara, even down to defending herself. Vikander's Lara had more soul than Jolie's ever did.

As with all Tomb Raider movies or Indiana Jones movies, there is always that mission impossible feel. You see tricks performed that would never be possible, but somehow they make it happen and all works out in the end. This movie was no exception. Me being the science geek that I am, wasn't happy about a couple of them. For example, if you hold a parachute backpack in your arms and then pull the release strap, odds are that parachute will fly out of your arms. No one is strong enough to combat that sudden force that comes from releasing a parachute. Especially young girls who struggle to pull themselves up when hanging from the side of a rotted plane wing.  In my mind, she was lucky not to be knocked out by the parachute that flew out in front of her face, but hey, it is a movie after all. This Lara was smart in some aspects, but common sense wasn't.

If you are going to see Tomb Raider because you love action movies, then this one will suffice. Overall, I really did enjoy it, and I do look forward to the sequels (I'm sure there will be some). You can never have enough sequels, am I right?! *insert eye roll here* I would recommend seeing Tomb Raider if you are looking to continue the Lara Croft franchise, or if you simply want to do away with the old and bring in the new. Trust me, Vikander is way more engaging than Jolie, and this Tomb Raider outdoes all the previous movies.

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